Yayınlar (indirilebilir raporlar)

Ana Rapor
Ana Rapor

Ortadoğu'da tarımda su kullanım verimliliğinin geliştirilmesi

Sentez Raporu
Sentez Raporu

Ortadoğu'da tarımda su kullanım verimliliğinin geliştirilmesi raporu sentezlenmiştir

Eğitim Rehber Dokümanı
Eğitim Rehber Dokümanı

Tarımda su kullanım verimliliğinin geliştirilmesi eğitim rehber dokümanı

Join the Blue Peace ME Regional Water Exchange Hub
Join the Blue Peace ME Regional Water Exchange Hub

Join the Blue Peace ME Regional Water Exchange Hub

Youth Fellowship Programme
Youth Fellowship Programme

Designed to engage a new generation of regional talent, the Blue Peace Middle East Youth Fellowship Programme will from 2024 onwards host young professionals from Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Türkiye, as well as Iran and Syria at the Blue Peace ME Coordination Office in Amman for a period of five months. 

Water Footprint Assessment of the Middle East
Water Footprint Assessment of the Middle East

Commissioned by the Inter-Islamic Network on Water Resources Development and Management (INWRDAM) and funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) through the Blue Peace Middle East initiative (Blue Peace ME), this report evaluates water use, efficiency, and allocation in the region, taking into account external water dependencies on third countries.